A Bolivaran Tsipras? Syriza’s Call for German Reparation
National unity as a step towards liberation. An account from Tsipras post-election speech in Athens.
National unity as a step towards liberation. An account from Tsipras post-election speech in Athens.
המראה הבלונדיני כמשוא תאווה בתרבות הישראלית המרכזית.
הגיע הזמן להביט במראה.
It’s time for some soul-searching.
Where is democracy?
The Jobbik party which is part of the Hungarian government and criticized for its anti-Roma and anti-Semitic stand, placed a statue of Horthy in a private yard right in front of Szabadság tér.
The external pressure is just too strong.
What will it choose?
Debate from debt-stricken Greece, Athens.
A geostrategic oversight based on the mentalities of the actors concerned.