A solution to the Ukrainian conflict

The Ukrainian people are pawns in the hands of the west, their own government and Russia.
The west will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.
The Kiev government wants to loot the Ukrainans until the last penny.
In a Russian state, Ukrainian children will never have the opportunities and privileges Putin’s daughters have. They will still be poor.
Most of the pundits who support the Kiev regime against Russia are simply killing off the Ukrainian people.
Besides Orthodox Christianity and monarchism with an impoverished population, Russia has no message for the Ukrainian people. China brings development to its people. Russia brings Tzarism. The west brings the IMF.
Russia claims its a great nation but in fact it is a cowardly one. It should declare its intention from the start: the liberation of all of Ukraine and a better standard of living. Instead it calls its war “a special military operation”, zig zags endlessly, and obscures what kind of goal it has for Ukraine.

Photo credit: Euromaidan Press on Facebook.
The Ukrainian people are victims of Washington, Kiev and Moscow.
A genuine tragedy.
Washington, and with it, Paris and Berlin, and of course London can be included, want to fight the Russians until the last Ukrainian. They enjoy, in a sadistic fashion, to conduct an experiment: How many Ukrainian soldiers can be killed before Russia will break? How many brigades does it take to reconquer lost territory? How many fake targets can be positioned before the Russians run out of ammunition?
In the past six months, we have received a clear result. We see the picture. Ukraine has not succeeded in taking over any new, significant, territory, from the Russians. All the talk from the Sunday Times, BBC, or the Telegraph does not change this. Let alone, the New York Times and the Washington Post.
That Kiev does not care of its people should be obvious. Let’s see: new union organizing is impossible. The Ukrainian regime is one of the most corrupt ones in the world, undeniably in Europe. President Zelensky is sending his soldiers to their sure death while asking for more and more arms and money, promising that somehow he can defeat Russia, and enjoying a luxurious life style while the Ukrainian soldiers are dying in very large numbers. He may be wearing a shirt, rather than a suit and a tie, but do not be fooled. Zelensky is pocketing money while his people are dying. The more people die, the more money he gets, the richer he becomes. Why should he stop?
That Moscow does not care about the Ukrainian people, should be obvious too. Does Moscow have a plan for Ukraine? No. It just does not want NATO in its backyard, is fearful of democratic uprising in Ukraine and is rightfully unhappy with the fact that the Kiev government treated the Donbass residents, most of them ethnic Russians, in a racist manner and bombed them, killing civilians in the process as part of the plan. But does Russia care about the non-Russians in Ukraine? Obviously it does not. Imagine how many lives could be saved, if Russia would tell, from its standpoint, to the Ukrainians, we are here to take over the entire country, and you will get a better standard of living with us. Alas, there are Ukrainian parts and Ukrainian people Russia does not want. Russia is there to only save its own.
The Ukrainian people, en masse, are therefore seen as less than fully human, by Washington, Kiev and Moscow.

For Washington, Ukrainians are significant because they can be used to die bringing down Russia.

For Kiev, Ukrainians are a source of income due to being sent to the killing fields, while the money from the west keeps arriving.

Russia could care less about the Ukrainian people. The best it could provide for the Russian people is oligarchic governance. We cannot expect any better for the Ukrainian people, only less.

If you are a westerner, the best way to support the Ukrainian people is not to support your government’s support for the Kiev government’s war. That will just result in more funerals. It is to support the increase of sanctions against Russia. That would force Russia not to divide Ukraine as the USSR divided Poland. Sanctions would weaken the oligarchic regime who have been benefiting from the hard work of the Russian masses.

Ukraine is a tragedy. It can become less of a tragedy, if no more money is sent to Kiev and if more severe sanctions are placed against Russia.